I’m more popular than porn?

So the other day I was using Stumbleupon (great time waster/finder of stuff that you’ve seen 1000 times before), and found this http://www.top25web.com/pagerank.php. It is a site that tells you the page rank for the sites you input. So naturally, I try this site. Some how it’s a page rank 4. So my friend thought it would be a great idea to make a porn site and I was bored and put it in there. Page rank 2. I’m more popular than porn. If you want to know the site, its http://www.chuckfucter.com. Help him almost break even. It wasn’t the cash cow we thought it would be. Wondering about my stats I went to google’s webmaster thing. Apparently, my #1 search term is “sweet im”. I have no clue what that means but I’ll take it. Here are some more weird ones “getting nskrd”, ” infected penis”, and “bgpl“. What a bunch of random shit.

~ by deadfool on November 5, 2007.

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